Audi 80/Avant (B4)

since 1991-1995 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi 80/Avant
+ Technical specification
+ Engines
+ System of production of the fulfilled gases
+ cooling System
+ Fuel tank and fuel pump
+ Air filter and airintaking channels
+ injection System
- Coupling
   Drive of management of coupling
   Coupling service life
   Coupling check
   Check of a hydraulic drive of coupling
   Coupling removal
   List of malfunctions
+ Transmission and transmission
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Brake system
+ Anti-blocking system of brakes
+ Wheels and tires
+ Body electrosystem
+ ignition System
+ Lighting
+ Signalling devices
+ Devices and auxiliary devices
+ Heating and ventilation
+ body Elements
+ Search of malfunctions
+ Specifications

List of malfunctions


Its reason
Than to help
A.Stsepleniye slips 1. Overlays of coupling are worn-out
2. Insufficient effort of pressing of coupling
3. Overlays of coupling are greasy
4. Coupling overheated
To replace a conducted disk
To replace press a disk
To replace a conducted disk and a defective sealing epiploon of a transmission or a cranked shaft
To replace faulty details
V.Stsepleniye does not separate 1. Air in a hydraulic drive of coupling
2. Palpation of a conducted disk
3. The deformed conducted disk or the broken slip
4. The conducted disk clamps on a transmission shaft
5. After very long parking a slip приржавела to a flywheel
6. Tangential flat springs of a press disk are broken
To replace a faulty detail, to pump over
To correct or replace a conducted disk
To replace a conducted disk
Properly to clean melkoshlitsevy connection by a wire brush.
In summary to grease with paste or Moly spray
To include the first transfer and to put in action a starter in order that earned the engine, constantly to press a coupling pedal. Sharply to press a pedal of an accelerator and right there to release, to release coupling. Otherwise to dismantle
To replace press a disk
S.Stsepleniye is not separated and at the same time "conducts" The coupling disk is worn-out press To replace press a disk
D. Coupling pulls 1. Malfunction of the engine or knots of fastening of a transmission
2. Roughnesses of a surface of a prileganiye of a flywheel or press disk
3. Wrong slips
To replace the bearing of the engine or knots of fastening of a transmission
To replace a faulty detail
To replace a conducted disk
E.Shumy of coupling 1. An imbalance of a press disk of coupling or a conducted disk
2. Defective spring of a quencher of krutilny fluctuations
3. The bearing is faulty vyzhimny
4. Zaklepochny connections in coupling are weakened
5. The needle bearing in a back end face of a cranked shaft is faulty
To replace press a disk of coupling or a conducted disk
To replace a conducted disk
To replace vyzhimny the bearing
To replace press a coupling disk
To replace the needle bearing