Audi 80/Avant + Technical specification + Engines + System of production of the fulfilled gases + cooling System + Fuel tank and fuel pump + Air filter and airintaking channels - Injection system + System of injection of Mono-Motronic + System of injection of Digifant - System of injection of KE-III-Jetronic Basic elements Operating procedure Lambda regulation Malfunctions and independent diagnostics Independent repair Visual check Check of separate elements Search of malfunctions Removal of components Check of a mode of idling and analysis of exhaust gases List of malfunctions + Systems of injection of MPI and MPFI + Coupling + Transmission and transmission + Suspension bracket and steering + Brake system + Anti-blocking system of brakes + Wheels and tires + Body electrosystem + ignition System + Lighting + Signalling devices + Devices and auxiliary devices + Heating and ventilation + body Elements + Search of malfunctions + Specifications
Check of a mode of idling and analysis of exhaust gases
The Audi 80 car with the 5-cylinder engine is supplied with automatic control of frequency of idling. The adjusting bolt is absent – so even there is nothing to regulate. If frequency of rotation in a mode of idling gets off, it simply check. In the correct conditions of check (about it below) the following indicator of frequency of rotation of 720-860 rpm should be established.
If you received other sizes:
- To check all parts of inlet system (the pipeline, sealing laying) on tightness. Getting unrecorded air can change so strongly frequency of rotation in an idling mode that the distributive valve of stabilization of idling cannot establish it even.
- To interrogate in a workshop memory of the store of malfunctions. Probably, in system there is other malfunction.
Check conditions
- Conditions of check of frequency of rotation in a mode of idling are correctly adjusted ignition, the engine, heated-up to working temperature, and also serviceable systems of injection and ignition.
- Further it is necessary to disconnect everything consumers of an electric current in the car.
- The fan of system of cooling should not work.
- To remove the ventilating pipeline of a case below the distributor, to muffle a tube to an inlet collector (the cap of an intaking tubule of an oxide of carbon approaches).
- To extend oil measuring щуп and to close a rag an opening of a directing tube.
- Densely to close a hose from the butterfly valve case to the valve of system of evaporation of fuel above on a thick sleeve of an air inlet a clip or пассатижами.
Analysis of exhaust gases
In house conditions verification of the contents WITH usually is not carried out, as this procedure is obligatory when passing annual checkup. Besides, the special device is for this purpose necessary.
In a workshop it is measured in addition and a current in a chain of a regulator of pressure because a pressure regulator, as well as the valve of stabilization of idling, should be within the main control in the middle of a standard range. If it not so, it means that, despite a standard indicator WITH, in system of injection there is a malfunction (in most cases – a leakage as it was already mentioned).
It is necessary to check in the same conditions, as at idling regulation.
- To connect the device for measurement WITH to a special tube ahead in a motor compartment. To watch a dense prileganiye.
- To disconnect shtekerny connection to a lambda probe.
- To get the engine and to leave to work in an idling mode.
- The test for the contents WITH in the fulfilled gases should show 0,1 — 1,1 % WITH.
- If necessary to adjust WITH the adjusting screw.
- Cap over the adjusting screw to remove as follows: to drill in a cap an opening in diameter of 2,5 mm. To screw there the self-cutting screw of 3 mm and to pull out a cap nippers.
Important: when the adjusting key is put to an adjusting bolt, by no means it is impossible to press an accelerator pedal. The key always should be taken out. |
- After each process of adjustment for a while to squeeze out an accelerator pedal before reading out an indicator WITH.
Help: everything that you should know about dough for toxicity of the fulfilled gases, check of effect of catalytic converter, check a lambda probe and a hummock drive of "gas", you will find in head «System of injection of Mono-Motronic». |