Audi 80/Avant (B4)

since 1991-1995 of release

Repair and car operation

Audi 80/Avant
+ Technical specification
+ Engines
+ System of production of the fulfilled gases
+ cooling System
+ Fuel tank and fuel pump
+ Air filter and airintaking channels
+ injection System
+ Coupling
+ Transmission and transmission
+ Suspension bracket and steering
- Brake system
   Check of brake mechanisms
   Brake liquid
   Check of level of brake liquid
   Check of tightness of brake system
   Replacement of brake liquid
   Disk brake mechanisms
   Measurement of thickness of blocks of the disk mechanism
   Control of a condition of brake disks
   Replacement of blocks of disk brake mechanisms
   Drum-type brake mechanism
   Measurement of brake shoes of the drum-type mechanism
   Check of a course of a pedal of a brake
   Disk brake mechanism of back wheels
   Measurement of thickness of blocks of back disk brakes
   Check of a free wheeling of the lever of the parking brake
   Main brake cylinder
   Amplifier of brakes
   Check of the amplifier of brakes
   Regulator of brake forces
   Repair of a hydraulic drive of brakes
   Pumping of brake system
   List of malfunctions
+ Anti-blocking system of brakes
+ Wheels and tires
+ Body electrosystem
+ ignition System
+ Lighting
+ Signalling devices
+ Devices and auxiliary devices
+ Heating and ventilation
+ body Elements
+ Search of malfunctions
+ Specifications

Repair of a hydraulic drive of brakes

If the pipeline of a brake drive (1) and brake hoses (4) with stamped fixture (3) are connected with elements of a running gear or a body, there should be no a springing holder of a hose (2). On an illustration connection is weakened by a rozhkovy wrench of 14 mm and a key for the brake pipeline (above).


  • Brake liquid is poisonous. Therefore it should not get to a mouth.
  • Brake liquid is aggressive in relation to a body covering. Therefore it is impossible to put the rags impregnated with brake liquid or the tools stained with brake liquid on body details.
  • At removal of a brake hose or the brake pipeline brake liquid gradually follows from a receiver. You can prevent it as follows: before removal of boltovy connections weaken the pumping valve in the corresponding contour.
  • Put on it a hose and send it to any capacity. Now completely squeeze out a pedal of a brake and fix a suitable plate in this situation. Drain openings in the main brake cylinder will thus be closed – brake liquid does not follow any more.
  • For removal and installation of the brake pipeline it is necessary for you to get specified illustrations below a key for the brake pipeline. Also for a priderzhivaniye of brake hoses you will need a rozhkovy wrench of 14 mm.
  • After repair of hydrosystem of brakes it needs to be pumped over. Often happens to pump over enough only that brake contour in which works were carried out.

Removal of the pipeline of a brake drive


  1. To turn out the union of the brake pipeline. For this purpose it is necessary to hold an opposite nut of connection – for example, at a brake hose.
  2. If a nut приржавела to a tube because of what it rotates together with a nut, it is necessary to replace this tube. Thin-walled tubes quickly break.
  3. If it is necessary to replace the corresponding piece of a tube, for weakening of connections of the pipeline it is possible to use the following reception:
  4. To saw off the brake pipeline near boltovy connection, to turn off a cap nut a six-sided head.
  5. To insert the brake pipeline in holders.
  6. To pump over brake system.

Removal of brake hoses


  1. At first to unscrew the union of the corresponding brake pipeline. Thus to watch that the pipeline was not overwound.
  2. If the brake hose is fixed on a body by means of the stamped holder, it is protected by a sheet bracket from a proskalzyvaniye. At assembly it is necessary to establish this so-called holder of a hose.
  3. At installation of a hose it should be twisted at first on that end which has an external carving.
  4. Then to tighten other carving.
  5. The brake hose should not be overwound. For control the color strip or a rubber side serves.
  6. To pump over brake system.
  7. Right after repair to check, whether the hose rubs somewhere at springing movements.
  8. Action to repeat after rather long trip.