Audi 80/Avant (B4)since 1991-1995 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Audi 80/Avant + Technical specification + Engines + System of production of the fulfilled gases + cooling System + Fuel tank and fuel pump + Air filter and airintaking channels + injection System + Coupling + Transmission and transmission + Suspension bracket and steering + Brake system + Anti-blocking system of brakes + Wheels and tires - Body electrosystem Minus to "weight" Orientation in electrosystem Wires Plug connections Central switchboard Additional block of the relay Relay and control units Unloading relay of contact X Safety locks Table of safety locks Electric circuits + Full electroscheme of the Audi 80 car: 2-liter 4-cylinder engine (66 kW) + 2-liter 4-cylinder engine (85 kW) + 2,3-liter 5-cylinder engine (98 kW) + 2,6-liter 6-cylinder engine (110кВт) + Additional equipment + Storage battery + Generator Check of a condition of a maple or polilinovy belt Tension of a maple belt Tension of a maple or poliklinovy belt Torn maple a belt Engine overheat because of damage of a maple belt Review of maple and poliklinovy belts Replacement of a maple belt List of malfunctions Starter List of malfunctions + ignition System + Lighting + Signalling devices + Devices and auxiliary devices + Heating and ventilation + body Elements + Search of malfunctions + Specifications |
Electric circuits Electric circuits separate electric chains of system the friend near the friend so functional interdependence becomes more obvious and clear. However in the car according to these images it is impossible to understand passing of wires. That it is necessary to know about electric circuits Distribution Further you will find the parts of electroschemes showing always only one certain constructive group of the car. Sense of similar distribution – economy of a place. After all the area of system of a screen wiper concerns as the car with the engine in capacity of 66 kW, and the car with the engine in capacity of 128 kW. So choose to yourself that site with which you are going to be engaged at present. Construction Electroschemes are divided into a set of the chains numbered in the bottom of the scheme. Thus, on the basis of the explanation to the electroscheme it is possible to find separate elements easily. The bottom line designates "mass" of the car (that is body metal) through which the electric chain becomes isolated. The gray field at the upper edge of schemes shows the central switchboard. Designation of shtekerny contacts speaks about where the wire is connected. Example: В15 means that this wire should be looked for in the multicontact tip on connection In the central switchboard. Colors of wires In electroschemes of color of wires are given in the form of reductions. Reductions designate: сн – dark blue; to – brown; – yellow; з–the green; ср – gray; l – lilac; кр – red; h – black; – white. For what models? Further you will find the full electroscheme of the Audi 80 car of 1992 of release. Electroschemes on the engine describe the 4-cylinder engine with system of injection of Mono-Motronic and capacity of 66 kW.
The image shows a payment of the central switchboard from below. It is divided into cells of shtekerny contacts into which it is respectively inserted on one multicontact tip and which are designated by letters of the Latin alphabet. Designations of plugs are in addition specified. Designations you will find both these on electroschemes in the bottom of a gray field which should represent the central switchboard. According to these data it is necessary to look for a cable in the central switchboard. |