Audi 80/Avant (B4)since 1991-1995 of releaseRepair and car operation |
Audi 80/Avant + Technical specification + Engines + System of production of the fulfilled gases + cooling System + Fuel tank and fuel pump + Air filter and airintaking channels + injection System + Coupling + Transmission and transmission + Suspension bracket and steering + Brake system + Anti-blocking system of brakes + Wheels and tires - Body electrosystem Minus to "weight" Orientation in electrosystem Wires Plug connections Central switchboard Additional block of the relay Relay and control units Unloading relay of contact X Safety locks Table of safety locks Electric circuits + Full electroscheme of the Audi 80 car: 2-liter 4-cylinder engine (66 kW) + 2-liter 4-cylinder engine (85 kW) + 2,3-liter 5-cylinder engine (98 kW) + 2,6-liter 6-cylinder engine (110кВт) + Additional equipment + Storage battery + Generator Check of a condition of a maple or polilinovy belt Tension of a maple belt Tension of a maple or poliklinovy belt Torn maple a belt Engine overheat because of damage of a maple belt Review of maple and poliklinovy belts Replacement of a maple belt List of malfunctions Starter List of malfunctions + ignition System + Lighting + Signalling devices + Devices and auxiliary devices + Heating and ventilation + body Elements + Search of malfunctions + Specifications |
Starter The starter on the right side of the engine is remote (on an illustration the 4-cylinder engine) is shown
On an illustration the starter (the 5-cylinder engine) in unassembled form is shown
Engine start
Starter removal
Replacement of brushes If the starter does not work, that, probably, the whole matter is in the wear of its brushes. Coal brushes can be got only complete with a fixing plate. As the starter case after opening needs to be pressurized, in shop of spare parts you will need also hermetic D 3. Further models with the 4-cylinder engine will need a powerful soldering iron and solder.
Removal of the involving relay