System of blinking indexes of turn and the alarm light system
E2 – the switch of indexes of turns E3 – the switch of the alarm light system J2 – the relay of the alarm light system M5 – a lamp of a signal of turn in front at the left M7 – a lamp of a signal of turn in front on the right T10a – ten-contact shtekerny connection of yellow color, a shtekerny block in the additional block of the relay (81) – connection on "weight" – 1 in an electrochain to the dashboard (119) – connection on "weight" – 1 in an electrochain to headlights
(A5) – the positive connecting line (a turn signal on the right) in an electrochain to the dashboard (A6) – the positive connecting line (a turn signal at the left) in an electrochain to the dashboard E22 – the screen wiper switch in a faltering mode H–drive of a sound signal H1 – a sound signal / a two-tone sound signal J4 – the relay of a two-tone sound signal J31 – the relay of automatic equipment of screen wiper/washing of glasses J39 – the relay of system of cleaning of headlights