Audi 80/Avant + Technical specification + Engines + System of production of the fulfilled gases + cooling System + Fuel tank and fuel pump + Air filter and airintaking channels + injection System + Coupling + Transmission and transmission + Suspension bracket and steering + Brake system + Anti-blocking system of brakes + Wheels and tires + Body electrosystem - Ignition system Various systems of ignition Principle of work of ignition Executive body System "brain" Impulses for the control unit Regulation on a detonation Security measures at work with ignition system Repair of system of ignition Diagnostics of system of ignition Ignition distributor Sensor of detonation combustion Elements of a high voltage Replacement of spark plugs Spark plugs Check of the moment of ignition + Lighting + Signalling devices + Devices and auxiliary devices + Heating and ventilation + body Elements + Search of malfunctions + Specifications
System "brain"
Under a covering (shooter) sideways at feet of the forward passenger on models with the 5-cylinder engine the control unit (2) of completely electronic system of ignition is located. Also here the sensor of pressure of external air (1) system of injection of KE-III-Jetronic is placed. |
Control unit
At the majority of engines management of system of ignition is executed integrated with management of injection system. The exception is made only by models with the 5-cylinder engine: here at each system (ignition and injection) the own control unit. But on a way of action there are no distinctions. The small list of that does the control unit is lower.
- Systems of ignition of Audi cars do not need the additional device for regulation of the moment of ignition. At the disposal of the control unit there are every possible data and engine indicators. Their receipt is provided with the sensor of the Hall or the sensor of number of turns of the engine and the provision of a cranked shaft, and also sensors of temperature of the engine, the provision of a butterfly valve, etc. According to all these data the control unit counts true for the corresponding condition of loading the ignition moment.
If to represent a corner of an advancing of ignition (the ignition moment) depending on loading and number of turns of the engine, we will receive the so-called characteristic of ignition. The characteristic of new systems of ignition willingly represent because of its freakish form – on it it is possible to make the conclusion about exact impact on operational modes.
- At the disposal of the control unit there are adjustment programs, somehow: for start of the engine, operation of not heated-up engine, movement in a mode of compulsory idling etc.
- The control unit allows to the ignition coil always exactly so much current, how many it is necessary for it at present time. In an extreme situation (the included ignition, but the idle engine) at these systems of ignition even after a long time cannot occur damages of the coil of ignition.
- Regulation on a detonation (except model with the engine in capacity of 66 kW) gives the chance to maintain the engine with the most exact advancing of ignition, and consequently, with the highest capacity. Therefore the engine designed for work on AI-95 gasoline (super), can work and at AI-92 gasoline as the control unit distinguishes lower octane number and switches to a mode of later ignition.
- Besides, there is a data exchange to injection system. As some sensors on the engine are used twice. This process is carried out even on models with the 5-cylinder engine though here systems of ignition and injection are supplied with different control units (KE-III-Jetronic and VEZ).
- And, at last, the store of malfunctions which is writing down defects of system of ignition which memory can be interrogated in a workshop by the special device (see also section Regular servicing) is established.