Audi 80/Avant + Technical specification + Engines + System of production of the fulfilled gases + cooling System + Fuel tank and fuel pump + Air filter and airintaking channels + injection System + Coupling + Transmission and transmission + Suspension bracket and steering + Brake system + Anti-blocking system of brakes + Wheels and tires - Body electrosystem Minus to "weight" Orientation in electrosystem Wires Plug connections Central switchboard Additional block of the relay Relay and control units Unloading relay of contact X Safety locks Table of safety locks Electric circuits + Full electroscheme of the Audi 80 car: 2-liter 4-cylinder engine (66 kW) + 2-liter 4-cylinder engine (85 kW) + 2,3-liter 5-cylinder engine (98 kW) + 2,6-liter 6-cylinder engine (110кВт) + Additional equipment - Storage battery On reserves how many suffice? Control of level of electrolit Battery charging check Battery charging Engine start with the discharged accumulator + Generator Check of a condition of a maple or polilinovy belt Tension of a maple belt Tension of a maple or poliklinovy belt Torn maple a belt Engine overheat because of damage of a maple belt Review of maple and poliklinovy belts Replacement of a maple belt List of malfunctions Starter List of malfunctions + ignition System + Lighting + Signalling devices + Devices and auxiliary devices + Heating and ventilation + body Elements + Search of malfunctions + Specifications
Control of level of electrolit
Liquid in the storage battery consists of the sulfuric acid dissolved with distilled water. Any part of this water can evaporate or break up in the course of a charging to hydrogen and oxygen.
In Audi 80 cars it is established so the storage battery not demanding servicing corresponding to the DIL 72311 standard and having rather large supply of water. In normal conditions it should do without all service life a dolivaniye of the new distilled water. The raised consumption of water is caused only by the increased temperature of air, long stay in hot regions (holiday), a faulty regulator of tension of the generator, the self-category at long parking of the car or the deep category caused, for example, included all night long lay headlights.
- The electrolit in the storage battery should reach at least the bottom mark in the case, put with a varnish or squeezed out, but, at least, it is good to close the upper edges of plates.
- At the lowered level of liquid to unscrew a stopper.
- If the storage battery is charged normally, it is necessary to add the distilled water to the top mark or 15 mm over the upper edges of plates.
- If the storage battery is strongly discharged, to add only so much water that plates were covered from above because at a repeated charging liquid level considerably will raise.
- To add to the top mark only after a charging.
- The quantity of water from a bulk small bottle should be well dosed out because it is easy to overflow the accumulator.
- The overflowed storage battery "begins to boil", acid acts at a stopper.
Removal of the storage battery
Removal of the storage battery at models with 4-and 5-cylinder engines. To uncover the storage battery (4), to disconnect a hose for removal of gases (shooter). The first to disconnect the negative plug (2), then to disconnect the positive plug (1). Now it is possible to weaken a bolt (3) on a fixing plate in the lower part of the accumulator. |
Removal of the akkumulyarny battery of the 6-cylinder engine occurs as well as at other versions:
1–positive conclusion; 2–negative conclusion; 3–bolt of a fixing plate. The hose of removal of gases on an illustration is covered with edge of a wing. |
- To disconnect anticreeping system and a radio code that they could be included again after accumulator connection.
- Models with 4-and 5-cylinder engines: to uncover the storage battery after weakening of both fixing clips on the right and at the left, or high-speed locks.
- Models with 6-cylinder engines: for removal of protection of the storage battery to unhook plastic fasteners below, one in the direction to the engine and one in the direction to a wing.
- The first surely should disconnect a negative wire for prevention of short circuit at further work with the accumulator.
- To weaken a nut on the plug of a negative wire, to disconnect the plug from a negative conclusion.
- To weaken and remove the plug of a positive wire.
- To turn out bolts of a fixing level in the bottom of the storage battery, to remove bolts and a level.
- To disconnect a plastic hose from central газоотвода.
- To take out the storage battery.
- At installation at first to connect positive, then negative wires.
- Without application of force to mix plugs of wires it is almost impossible, because the positive conclusion is thicker than a conclusion negative.
- Again to turn on the alarm system and radio.
Care of contacts of the storage battery
- Crystals on plugs of the accumulator to wash warm water with soda or to process «Leutralol» from Varta.
- To grease conclusions and plugs of a wire with kislotozashchitny plastic greasing («Ft 40v1» from Bosch).
- It is impossible to put greasing on lateral faces of conclusions and inside of plugs, problems with contacts differently are possible.