Blocking of differential of the back bridge
The differential of the back bridge on all-wheel drive cars is supplied with blocking of differential dependent on speed. Blocking gives the chance to both back wheels to rotate with identical frequency, that is prevents a provorachivaniye of one separate wheel.
All this reflected as the device increasing coupling of a wheel from darling if the car got stuck in snow or dirt therefore blocking is automatically disconnected at speed above 25 km/h.
In the standing car blocking of differential joins the switch on the central console. Executing body is the control unit located under a back seat which releases the vacuum pipeline conducting to blocking, or, on the contrary, closes it at speed above 25 km/h. Depression proceeds from the inlet pipeline of the engine.
Under a back seat also there are elements of a full drive; for example, the control unit blocking of differential (1) and the accelerating switch (2) for anti-blocking system which is built in only on all-wheel drive cars. |